संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा 'जेट' 14 मई को जोधपुर कृषि विश्वविद्यालय के प्रशासनिक कार्यालय में सोमवार को प्रदेश के सभी कृषि विश्वविद्यालयों तथा राज. पशु विज्ञान एवं चिकित्सा विश्वविद्यालय बीकानेर में स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर तथा पी…
Agricultura University Kota Time table of final theory examination 2022-23 Out Now For More Details 👇 click here 😊 Shopping at Cheap Cost In Suthar Collection Click hear
IBPS AFO RESULT OUT click here Multicoloured Linen Sarees with Blouse Piece Multicoloured Linen Sarees with Blouse Piece Fabric: Linen Type: Saree with Blouse piece Saree Length : 5.5 (in metres) Blouse Le…
FCI Assistant Grade 3 Admit Card 2022 Out Food Corporation of India has released the FCI Assistant Grade 3 Admit Card 2022 on 21st December 2022 on the official website ( https://fci.gov.in ). FCI Assistant Exam is scheduled to…
ORGANIC FARMING The term "Organic' was first used by Northbourne (1940) is his book 'Look to the Land. Australia is the leading organic farming country in the world. Sikkim is the leading organic farming state in …
कुछ फसलों के उत्पत्ति स्थल ● धान -- दक्षिणी पूर्वी एशिया / इंडो बर्मा ● गन्ना -- न्यू गिन्नी (क्यूबा ) ● गेहूँ -- दक्षिण पश्चिम एशिया ● चना -- दक्षिण पश्चिम एशिया ● मक्का ,तम्बाकू ,सूरजमुखी -- मैक्सिको ● आलू ,टमाटर…
कृषि के अंतर्गत आने वाले सभी पेड़ - पौधों के वानस्पतिक नाम ( Agriculture under all trees and plants botanical name) 1. टमाटर - लाइकोपर्सिकम एस्कुलेन्टम कुल- सोलेनेसी 2. बैगन - सोलेनम मेलोन्जीना कुल- सोलेनेसी 3.मिर्च - कैप्सिकम स्…
Agri Notes By Sutharagripoint Agricultural Research Institutes ( कृषि अनुसंधान केन्द्र ) के पूरे नाम और स्थान। CARI :- Central Agriculture Research Institute, Port Blair (Andaman & Nicobar ) CAZRI :- Central Arid Zone Res…
Propagation by specialized plant parts i) Rhizome : It refers to the specialized stem structure in which the main axis of the plant grows horizontally at or just below the ground level. e.g., Bamboos, ginger, turmeric. ii) Offset…
CLIMATE CHANGE TERMINOLOGIES Greenhouse Effect: Greenhouse gases act like a blanket around Earth, trapping energy in the atmosphere and causing it to warm. This phenomenon of trapping and build-up of heat in the atmosphere (tro…
Diseases In Fruits Due To Deficiency 1.Dieback in Lemon:-Copper (Cu) 2.Little Leaf in Lemon:-Copper (Cu) 3.Yellow Spot Disorder in Lemon:-Molybdenum (Mb) 4.Internal Necrocin in Annola:-Boron (Bo) 5.Little Leaf in Mango & Brin…
Integrated nutrient management INM is a well - accepted approach for the sustainable management of :- Soil productivity Farm yard manure is :- Balanced food for plants Phosphorus is essential for :- Cell division & Developme…
FEW TERMS RELATED WITH RICE PROCESSING Hulling : It is the process of removing husk and bran of the paddy in one operation. Huller : It is a machine used for hulling purpose. Shelling : It is the process of removing husk (also ca…
ORGANIC FARMING Important Points # The term "Organic' was first used by Northbourne (1940) is his book 'Look to the Land. # Australia is the leading organic farming country in the world. # Sikkim is the leading org…
A. General classification: Major or macro-nutrients: Those nutrients which are required by the plants in concentrations more than 1 ppm are termed as major or macro-nutrients. These are grouped in to:- A. Basic nutrients: C, H, …
Soil Moisture Constants Plants require adequate moisture constantly within the root zone from germination to maturity. A proper moisture balance has to be maintained for unretarded growth and development of plants at various stag…
Terms Used in Poultry Production # Hen - A matured female chicken generally above 20 weeks of age. # Cock - A matured male chicken above 20 weeks of age. # Pullet - A young female chicken from 9 to 20 weeks of age.…
* Fertilizers : Fertilizers are generally inorganic in origin and they supply one / more essential plant nutrients in large proportions. *Classification of fertilizer - A. Straight fertilizer - Fertilizer which supply…