Important Points
# The term "Organic' was first used by Northbourne (1940) is his book 'Look to the Land.
# Australia is the leading organic farming country in the world.
# Sikkim is the leading organic farming state in the India.
# Biodynamic farming and natueco farming are the method of organic farming.
# Rudolf Steiner is the father of biodynamic farming.
# In India organic foods are produced as per standard of NSOP.
# NSOP stands for National Standard for Organic Production.
# NAB (National Accreditation Body) is the Apex body of organic certification in India.
# National centre for organic farming (NCOF) is located at Ghaziabad, U.P.
# National project on organic farming (NPOF) started in year 2004.
# Association for Promotion of Organic Products (APOP) is located at Bangalore.