Most Important Institute in Agriculture

1905- IARI ,PUSA Bihar 1906- FRI , dehradun 1912- SBI , coimbatore 1923-NDRI , Karnal 1929- ICAR 1935- Directorate of marketing and inspection 1940 - monthly journal "indian farming"- ICAR ,New Delhi 1942 - Department o…

Agriculture MCQs 13/11/2024

1. What is the primary purpose of crop rotation?    - A) To increase soil fertility    - B) To control pests and diseases    - C) To optimize yield    - D) All of the above    Answer: D) All of the above 2. Which of the followin…

मटर की खेती ( Pea Cultivation)

🫛 मटर की खेती 🫛 ✍️भूमि मटर के लिए दोमट व हल्की दोमट मिट्टी उपयुक्त होती है। ✍️ भूमि की तैयारी पहली जुताई डिस्क हैरो से तथा उसके बाद 2-3 जुताई स्थानीय हल या कल्टीवेटर से करनी चाहिए। ✍️ बीज की मात्रा लम्बी किस्म के लिए 80-100 किल…

Urgent Requirement FMC India Pvt ltd.

Urgent Requirement FMC India Pvt ltd. Positions :-  Market Development Officer (MDO) Location :- Nimgaon ketki,Lasurne, Indapur, Baramati  Qualifications :- B.Sc (Agri) / MBA-ABM Experience :-  1-2 yrs of experience in respec…

System Simulation and Agroadvisory

Syllabus of System Simulation and Agroadvisory     1. Topic System Approach for representing soil-plant-atmospheric continuum, No. of lectures   2. System boundaries, Crop models, concepts & techniques,   3. Types of cro…

Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management

Syllabus of Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management   1. No. of lectures Rainfed agriculture- definition, history and its importance in India with particular to references Rajasthan. 2. Problems of dryland agriculture rel…

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