Syllabus of Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management
1. No. of lectures Rainfed agriculture- definition, history and its importance in India with particular to references Rajasthan.
2. Problems of dryland agriculture related to climate, soil, technological and socio economic conditions
3. Soil and water conservation techniques,
4. Drought: types,
5. Effect of water deficit on physio- morphological characteristics of the plants,
6. Use of antitranspirants-their kind, mode of action and effect on crop yield.
7. Crop adaptation and mitigation to drought;
8. Water harvesting: importance, its techniques,
9. Efficient utilization of water through soil and crop management practices,
10. Water harvesting techniques in dry farming areas
11. Watershed management- concept, definition, objectives and principles
12. Integrated watershed management for drylands
13. A study of model watershed area
14. Management of crops in rainfed areas,
15. Contingent crop planning for aberrant weather conditions,
16. Alternate cropping and land use strategies for dryland agriculture