Fundamentals of Genetics

Syllabus of Fundamentals of Genetics

1. Pre and Post Mendelian concepts of heredity.
2. Mendelian principles of heredity.
3. Cell division – mitosis
4. Cell division – meiosis
5. Probability and Chi-square
6. Dominance relationships and gene interaction
7. Epistatic gene interactions with examples (complementary, supplementary, duplicate gene interactions)
8. Epistatic gene interactions with examples (masking, inhibitory, polymeric and additive gene interactions)
9. Pleiotropism, pseudoalleles, Multiple alleles and Blood group genetics
10. Sex determination
11. Sex limited, sex influenced and sex linked traits
12. Sex linkage
13. Linkage and its estimation
14. Crossing over : introduction & mechanisms
15. Chromosome mapping
16. Structural changes in chromosome
17. Numerical changes in chromosome
18. Mutation: introduction, characteristics & classification
19. Mutagenic agents: physical and chemical mutagens
20. Induction of mutation, Methods of inducing mutation & CIB technique
21. Qualitative & Quantitative traits, Polygenes and continuous variations
22. Multiple factor hypothesis
23. Cytoplasmic inheritance
24. Genetic disorders
25. Nature, structure and types of genetic material
26. Proof for DNA as genetic material
27. Replication of genetic material
28. Genetic code & Protein synthesis
29. Transcription mechanism of genetic material
30. Translational mechanism of genetic material
31. Gene concept: Gene structure and function.
32. Gene regulation, operon concept, Lac and Trp operons.
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