Agronomy important 20 Question

1.Father of agronomy 
 – peter decresenzi.

2. Dr. Biwant Rajis the founder of Relay cropping .

3. The Directorate of cropping System research is located at – Modipuram , meerut, U.P.

4. Scientific study of mixed cropping was firstly done by – La-Flitze (1928)

5. Relay cropping concept was derived from – Relay race

6. Natural Resource management is an example of sustainable agriculture

7. Cropping System is a component of – farming System

8. When the sub crop are sown to supplement of yield of the main crop , the sub crops are known as — augmenting crops

9. The main crop is grown in the centre , surrounded by hardly or thorny crops, the sub crop is known as – guard crops

he yield of both crops , grown together are found to be higher than the yield of their pure crops on unit area , such cropping is known as — synergetic cropping

11. What is a cash crops — those crops , which may be sold directly from the field without processing like vegetables , potato, etc.

12. Formula of Cropping Intensity = Total Cropping Area /total sown area *100

13. The growing of two or more crops on the same field in a year is called — multiple cropping

14. The practice of raising grasses or pasture , is also known as — ley farming

15. In India , the maximum acreage and production of wheat is in UP

16. The type of fruit of wheat is Caryopsis

17. The optimum temperature for ideal germination of wheat is 20 to 25 °C

18. Norin-10 gene was brought to USA by – S.c. salamone 1984

19. The dwarf winter variety of wheat first time developed through using Norin gene by – Dr. O.A.Vogel (USA) 
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