General Agriculture Test -2
1. Botanical name of Amaltas is cassia fistula and is commonly known as ..
a) Tree of prosperity
b) Indian laburnum
c) Both a&b
d) None of these
2. Buddha jayanti park and Roshnara park are the example of Japanese Style of garden and are situated at
a) Punjab
b) Karnataka
c) New Delhi
d) Kanpur
3. Stooling method of propagation is used for the multiplication of ….
a) Apple root stock
b) Mango
c) jamun/ java plum
d) Phalsa
4. Amarpali is a cross between
a) Neelan x Dasheri
b) Dasheri x Neelam
c) Ratna x Alphonsa
d) Dasheri x Alphonso
5. Pointed gourd is propagated by
a) Root cutting
b) Stem cutting
c) Seed
d) None of these
6. Communicatin is a ..
a) Mehod
b) System
c) Technique
d) Process
7. The expression of ends towards which our efforts are directed are
a) Goals
b) Objective
c) Aims
d) Targets
8. Result demonstration is done in ..
a) Research station
b) Farmer field
c) District farms
d) None of these
9. Who What When and Where are the part of ..
a) Plannof work
b) Clender of work
c) Program evaluation
d) Decision making
10. MANAGE was established in the year
a) 1986
b) 1987
c) 1988
d) 1989
11. Lab to land programme is associated with ICAR’s
a) Golden jubilee
b) Silver jubilee
c) Diamond jublee
c) Platinum jubilee
12. The first man to start organizing the rural youth work in india is .
a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) B.N Gupta
c) Spencer Hatch
d) Rabindra Nath Tagore
13. Integration of audio,video and text is known as:
a) Multimedia
b) Projected aid
c) Visual aid
d) Media
14. The most important activity of extension Education is:
a) Teaching
b) Guiding
c) Helping
d) Communicating
15. Extension education deals mainly with :
a) Rural Women
b) Rural youth
c) Farmers
d) Rural children
16. Which fungicide give effective control of covered smut of barley ?
a) Vitavax
b) Ceresan
c) Agrosan 5W
d) Sulphur dust
17. Ear cockle disease of wheat is caused by
a) Anguina tritici
b) Meloidogyne incognita
c) Meloidogyne javanica
d) All of these
18. ‘Fungi and Diseases’ was written by
a) JF Dastur
b) B B Mundakur
c) EJ Butler
d) R Prasad
19. Kresek stage is find in
a) BLB
b) Blast
c) Brown Spot
d) Bakane disease
20. The bacterial cell wall is made of
a) pectin
b) Muramic acid
c) Chitin
d) Cellulose
21. Causal agent of onian blot disease is
a) Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi
b) Rodopholus citrophilus
c) Ditylenchus angustus
d) Ditylenchus dipsaci
22. Top sickness of tobacco is caused by the deficiency of
a) Boron
b) Zinc
c) Molybdenum
d) Copper
23. Fungicide which are absorbed into the system of plant and move to the remote site of infction are known as ..
a) Systematic
b) Systemic
c) Dressers
d) Fungistatic
24. Kelthan is effective as ..
a) Nematicide
b) Rodenticide
c) Acaricide
d) Biopesticide
25. Erwinia carotovora caused which of the following infections ?
a) Soft rot
b) Dry rot
c) Wilt
d) Brown rot
26. In the gametophytic system ,Self Incompatibility reaction is usually the consequence of which of the following
a) Pollen- Stigma interaction
b) Pollen tube-ovule interaction
c) Pollen tube-style interaction
d) Both a&b
27. Cross between an open pollinated variety and an inbred is called
a) Double cross
b) Top cross
c) Three way cross
d) Varietal hybrid
28. A method which is used to improve one or two specific defects of a high yielding variety is
a) Pureline
b) Pedigree
c) backcross
d) Mass selection
29. Brassica triangle for the development of tetraploid species of mustard was proposed by :
a) Kihara
b) Sears
c) Nagaharu
d) Blakeslee
30. Colchicine disturbs :
a) Formation of spindle fibre
b) DNA replication
c) Cytokinesis
d) foemation of cell plate
31. An example of a dominant molecular marker is ..
a) SSR
b) SNP
32. If partial dominance is present at an inhibitory locus the expected phenotypic ratio is
a) 13:3
b) 12:3:1
c) 9:6:1
d) 7:6:3
33. Inbred lines can be improved by
a) Transgressive breeding
b) Mutation breeding
c) Backcross mehod
d) All the above
34. Haploid (n) Chromosome number is also known as .
a) Gametic chromosome number
b) Basic chromosome number
c) Monoploid
d) Genome
35. Triticle is the example of
a) Autohexaploid
b) Autotetraploid
c) Allohexaploid
d) Allotetraploid
36. Which is non essential amino acid ?
a) Methionine
b) Lysine
c) Glycine
d) Histidine
37. Glycolysis takes place at
a) Glyoxysomes
b) Cytoplasm
c) Mitochondria
d) Golgi body
38. Short day plants undergo flowering when
a) Night is short
b) Day is long
c) Night length is equal to day length
d) Night is long
39. The first product of photosynthesis in C3 plant is .
a) Sucrose
b) Oxaloacetate
c) Glycerol
d) Phosphoglyceric acid
40. Protoplast culture technique was given by :
a) White
b) Murashige and Skoog
c) Baltimore
d) Cocking
41. Dark reaction of photosynthesis takes place in :
a) Grana
b) Vesicle
c) Plasma membrane
d) Stroma
42. Plasmolysis of cell is observed under which condition ?
a) Hypotonic solution
b) Hypertonic solution
c) Isotonic solution
d) Both a&b
43. Most important translocating sugar form is :
a) Maltose
b) Fructose
c) Sucrose
d) Glucose
44. DNA replication occur in which stage of cell division ?
a) G1 phase
b) G2 phase
c) S phase
d) M phase
45. Synthetic seeds are
a) Protoplast
b) Somaclones
c) Cybrid
d) Somatic embryo
46. Local control is not applied for the design
a) RBD
b) CRD
c) LSD
d) SPD
47. The coefficient of variation of a set of data is calculated as percentage of
a) AM/SD
b) Variance/AM
c) SD/AM
d) AM/Variance
48. For test of goodness of fit,which statistical test is applied..
a) ᵪ 2 –test
b) F- test
c) z- test
49. The value of regression coefficient lies between
a) - ∞ to + ∞
b) 0 to 1
c) -1 to + 1
d) 0 to ∞
50 In a symmetrical distribution of data which pair of correct
a) Mean =median =Mode
b) Mean> Median >Mode
c) Mean <Median<Mode
d) Mean= Median>Mode