Topic - Important Viral Disease And Vectors

• Aphids:🦟

Potato virus Y
* Potato leaf roll virus
* Bean common mosaic
* Chilli mosaic
* Cucumber mosaic
* Papaya ring spot
* Katte disease of cardamom by Cardamom Mosaic Virus (CdMV)
* Citrus tristeza virus 
* Banana Bunchy top
* Barley Yellow Dwarf
* Red stripe of sorghum
* Groundnut rosette
* Pea enation mosaic
* Grassy shoot of sugarcane

• White fly🪰

* Cotton leaf curl virus
* Yellow vein mosaic of Okra
* Leaf curl malady in cotton, chilly, papaya
* African cassava mosaic
* Tomato yellow leaf curl
* Tomato mottle
* Bean golden mosaic virus

• Hoppers🦗

* Rice tungro virus
* Rice waika virus (new virus disease, found in Kyushu, Japan)
* Rice stunt
* Rice yellow dwarf
* Rice stripe
* Rice ragged stunt
* Maize streak virus
* Wound tumor virus
* Sugarcane Fiji virus
* Beet curly top virus
* Sandal spike
* Little leaf of brinjal
* Sesamum phylloidy
* Peach X disease
* Citrus stubborn
* Corn stunt 
* Grassy shoot of sugarcane

•Mealy bug

*Banana streak virus

• Psyllids

Citrus greening
Pear decline

• Thrips🦟

*Tomato spotted wilt virus
*Tobacco ring spot virus
*Bud necrosis of ground nut


* Wheat streak mosaic
* Cherry mottle leaf
* Pigeon pea sterility mosaic 

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