Classes of seed , Tags and Genetic purity (%)
Nucleus seed— No color —100
Breeder seed— Golden yellow —99.99
Foundation seed— White— 99.99
Certified seed— Azure blue— 98
Truthful label seed— Opel green
Some important terms
Stirring or scraping the surface soil in inter and intra row spacing of the crop using
tools or implements.
Removal of plants of a variety admixed with other variety of same crop.
Removal of terminal buds. It is done to stimulate auxiliary growth.Practiced in cotton and tobacco.
Provision of support to the crop is called propping.
Practiced in sugarcane Commonly. It is done to prevent lodging of the crop. Cane stalks from adjacent rows are brought together and tied with their own trash and old leaves.
Removing of older leaves from the sugarcane crop.
Removal of auxiliary buds and branches which are considered non-essential for
crop production and which removes plant nutrients considerably are called suckers.