Syllabus of Introductory Agro meteorology & Climate Change
- Meaning and scope of agricultural meteorology.
- Earth atmosphere- its composition, extent and structure.
- Atmospheric weather variables; Atmospheric pressure, its variation with height.
- Wind, types of wind, daily and seasonal variation of wind speed.
- Cyclone, anticyclone, land breeze and sea breeze.
- Nature and properties of solar radiation, solar constant, depletion of solar radiation.
- Short wave, longwave and thermal radiation, net radiation, albedo.
- Atmospheric temperature, temperature inversion, lapse rate, daily and seasonal variations of temperature, Vertical profile of temperature.
- Energy balance of earth; Atmospheric humidity, concept of saturation, vapor pressure.
- Process of condensation, formation of dew, fog, mist, frost, cloud.
- Precipitation, process of precipitation, types of precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet, and hail.
- cloud formation and classification; Artificial rainmaking. Monsoon- mechanism and importance in Indian agriculture.
- Weather hazards - drought, floods, frost, tropical cyclones and extreme weather conditions such as heat-wave and cold-wave.
- Agriculture and weather relations; Modifications of crop microclimate, climatic normals for crop and livestock production.
- Weather forecasting- types of weather forecast and their uses.
- Climate change, climatic variability, global warming, causes of climate change and its impact on regional and national Agriculture.