1. Black cotton soil is rich in? Montmorillonite
2. First KVK establishment in (1974)? Pondicherry
3 Highest pulse producing state?
4. Highest irrigation area covering Canal in the world?
Indira Gandhi canal
5. Highest wheat producing state?
Uttar Pradesh
6. Highest pesticides used in India? Insecticide
7. Silicon essential for Which crop?
8. Which is Potassium Rich mineral?
9.Suitable fertilizers used in fertigation?
Liquid fertilizer
10.The bio-drainage plant is?
Eucalyptus Spp.
11. Recorded rainfall of 2.5mm or more within a period of 24 hours in a day Called?
Rainy Day
12. Reclamation of acidic soil by using?
Lime Crop
13. Crop Transpiration decreased by using?
14.The element essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation?
15. Yellow Revolution related with?
Oil seeds
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